Few things are a bigger source of pride for a homeowner than a beautiful green lawn. Of course, having a yard that’s the envy of the block and the pride of the neighborhood association takes work. You’ve got to mow, and weed, test the soil and fertilize, and continually fight one pest or another intent on taking down your pride and joy. Winterizing? That’s just one more in a long list of yard chores necessary to keep your lawn beautiful.

Just when you’d rather be snuggled inside with your loved ones, perhaps sipping hot chocolate, yard work rears its ugly head again. You look out at the browning grass and realize you’re not just going to have to mow again, but you’re also going to have to pull weeds and fertilize in anticipation of spring. Not only that, but the yard has probably become muddy, with bare patches that you’ll need to fix before the muck gets out of hand. Is there any way around all of this?

Of course, there is! Artificial turf is the perfect way to keep your yard green and gorgeous all year long, without mowing or wasting water, and with no pesticides or fertilizer. Not only can you spend your winter doing the things you want to do instead of dealing with the yard, but you’ll save time, money, and effort because of all the maintenance you won’t be doing. Who knows? You could even get a chance this winter to work on your golf game. In fact, while you’re having artificial turf installed, why not set aside part of that beautiful green yard for a practice putting green? By the time spring rolls around, you’ll practically be a pro.

Here’s another thing about artificial grass: it’s environmentally friendly. You won’t be creating emissions running electric or gas yard equipment because a little sweep with the broom is all you’ll need to keep your yard looking great. You’ll also avoid toxic chemicals, like fertilizer and pesticide, which can be dangerous for your kids and pets, and which can also contaminate runoff water systems.

Next Steps
At Back Nine Greens, we design, install and maintain synthetic turf and grass, with options available for any application and every budget. When you’re ready to learn more about artificial turf, you can call us at (760) 345-8008 and we’ll be happy to answer your questions. We’ll also arrange a free, no-strings-attached consultation with one of our representatives at your Southern California home or business. We’ve developed a reputation for excellence, and can’t wait to show you how we can create a beautiful lawn that you’ll enjoy for years to come.

We perform professional artificial grass design & installation nationwide. Our headquarters are in Southern California.

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