Back Nine Greens wants to challenge you and your family to bond together this summer. Last month we discussed types of backyard games you can enjoy on your artificial grass lawn. One of those games was golf. More and more families are heading to the putting green together. Your children look up to you, and they want to be like you. Here is how playing golf as a family unit can teach your children some valuable life lessons.

Lesson 1: Respect

When you decide to go to the local golf green with your children, you often try to go when the green is not too busy. Let’s face it. Children love to run around and not be orderly. By going to the green during low-traffic times, you are being respectful of others and avoiding holding up their game. When you head to the green with your children, show them how to be respectful to others by teaching them the practice of taking turns and being patient. It’s not an easy lesson to learn, but it will be well worth it as your child ages.

Lesson 2: Self-Discipline
Any PGA Golfer will tell you that self-discipline and dutiful practice are key in improving swings and handicaps. When you decide to take the time to practice on your backyard golf green (hopefully installed by Back Nine Greens for optimal performance), you are teaching your children the key lesson of self-discipline. This is also a great time to explain to your children why it’s important to compete against your own best scores.

Lesson 3: Eco-friendly
There are many ways to teach your children the importance of recycling, reducing and reusing. Some parents will take it one step further and show their children what it means to live green and eco-friendly. When you decide to install an artificial golf green, you are showing your children the importance and benefits of living an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Lesson 4: Boundaries
Children can be resistant to rules, but within the lesson of respect comes the lesson of boundaries. Show your children what is and is not okay on the green. There are clear boundaries to respect the rules of the game. By teaching them this lesson, you are setting the foundation for them to understand boundaries and rules in other areas of life and other sports.

Lesson 5: Teamwork
When you play golf as a family, your children will learn to appreciate the value of working together as a team to reach a goal versus working at something alone. Don’t be surprised when they try to make chores a team effort, too.

Lesson 6: Competition
We discussed competition under self-discipline, but that was only in the contest of competing against oneself. You can make family golf time a competition for everyone to be on their best, best behavior for an awesome treat after family bonding time. Some parents may even ask their children to improve their swing distance and celebrate with a special family treat. Competition is healthy when the objective is clear, when it is attainable, and when it is celebrated.

Making time for family golf is a valuable bonding activity. Back Nine Greens wants to help. We do putting green installations in and around Coachella Valley, Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Francisco, CA regions. Show your children that they are first in your life by choosing to have a backyard putting green installed. This gives them the most valuable lesson of all: family is everything. If you would like to stop wasting time going to the putting green and have more time with your children, give us a call today!

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